Azure SQL Managed Services


Implementing Azure SQL Managed Instance streamline SQL Server applications with a managed, always-up-to-date SQL instance in the cloud. Accelerate application modernization, integrate data by implementing familiar tools and SQL Server features, and move custom and vendor-provided applications without worrying about compatibility or performance changes.


Why Azure SQL Database

  • Flexible serverless computing and Hyperscale storage to rapidly adapt to your business’ changing requirements. 
  • Advanced data security, including layers of protection, built-in controls and intelligent threat detection. 
  • Built-in AI and machine learning to help optimise performance.  

What We can do for You

  • Azure SQL tuning 
  • Monitoring and alerting
  • Defined Service Catalogue
  • Azure SQL database implementation
  • Health-check and baseline of the environment 
  • Quarterly ongoing Azure SQL health-checks 
  • 24*7 incident management 

Why Choose PakarDB ?

  • Successful migration and implementation by following best practices.
  • Optimal database performance and durability due to ongoing management.
  • Reduced database-related downtime with our proactive incident management.
  • Consistent high performing applications thanks to Azure SQL tuning.
  • Accessible, UK-based team of Database Administrator (DBA) experts

PakarDB, your SQL Server Database Partner

Enhance business productivity with Microsoft’s PaaS solution, coupled with our Azure SQL Managed Service.


Team of Expert DBAs

Deep technical expertise for all your problems at the most affordable rates.


Proactive Support

Active monitoring and support to ensure optimal performance of your databases.


Patch Management

Weekly calls and report card of the progress of your databases.


Perusahaan Legal

Kami adalah perusahaan berbadan hukum PT yang berkantor pusat di Jakarta. Kelengkapan surat usaha yang kami miliki dapat menjadi bukti bahwa kami adalah perusahaan yang taat terhadap hukum.


Active Monitoring 24/7

Realtime monitoring and alerting 24/7/365.


Berpengalaman Multi Project

Kami telah dipercaya sejak tahun 2013 untuk
menangani Project – project dari berbagai macam kalangan baik Pemerintahan, BUMN, BUMD, Perusahaan berskala Global maupun lokal, dan Startup Bisnis.

Our Azure SQL DBA support team

Whether your SQL server environment is in the cloud, hybrid or on-premises, we have the resource to migrate it and manage it around the clock. Our Azure SQL DBA support team is UK-based and has extensive experience designing, deploying and managing SQL environments. They’re Microsoft certified, regularly undertaking training to keep up to date with technology developments, and hold security accreditations

F.A.Q >

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What is GCP?

Google Coud Platform is Google’s flagship cloud platform and offers a range of infrastructure, platform, software services and tools delivered from the cloud environment. Google Cloud Platform is notable for its advanced automation, intelligent analytical features. Common consumer cloud services and workspace tools such as the G-suite are one of the most widely used digital services by end users across the globe. Enterprise customers can use Google’s worldwide data centers to obtain computer resources for free or on a pay-per-use basis.

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Kami memberikan modul dan gratis konsultasi setelah mengikuti training.

Syarat mengikuti Training SysAdmin?

Jika Anda mengikuti training server linux, maka minimal Anda harus mengetahui perintah-perintah dasar linux.

Apa syarat minimal untuk mengikuti training programming?

Minimal Anda harus mempunyai dasar pemograman.

Apa syarat minimal ikut training networking?

Minimal Anda harus lancar mengoperasikan komputer dan tahu apa itu IP Address

Apa saja yang di pelajari dalam proses training?

Materi yang akan dipelajari pada training dapat dilihat pada detail masing-masing training

Apa saja yang didapatkan setelah proses training ?

Anda akan mendapatkan E-Certificate, Module Lengkap, Bimbingan lanjutan setelah training.

Kota mana saja yang bisa di kunjungi untuk In-house Training ?

Kami melayani seluruh Indonesia untuk layanan In-house Training

Apakah bisa berkonsultasi terkait kebutuhan Jasa Training Perusahaan ?

Bisa, silakan hubungi team kami untuk konsultasi gratis seputar kebutuhan dan layanan Training.

Apakah PilarLabs menyediakan penginapan untuk peserta training?

Sayangnya, untuk saat ini PilarLabs belum bisa menyediakan penginapan untuk peserta training. Sebagai gantinya, kamu bisa kasih rekomendasi nih ke kamu tempat penginapan terbaik di sekitar kantor PilarLabs

Apakah PilarLabs punya cabang di kota lain?

Untuk saat ini, PilarLabs belum punya cabang di kota lain. Doain aja ya biar kita bisa punya banyak cabang di seluruh Indonesia. Aamiin.

Apakah menyediakan Online Training?

Ya, silakan pilih dan hubungi kami untuk konsultasi kebutuhan Online Training

News Update >

Our experienced team applies industry best practices and proven methodologies to deliver successful, disruption-free migrations for your infrastructure, applications, and databases. Trust Tech Cloud Indonesia as your partner to ensure seamless transitions and maximize the benefits of cloud technology.

Get in Touch

Let our managed database experts overcome all your problems so that you can concentrate on growing your business.

Chat Us : 0816 964 814
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